
Music producer Hammer reflects on the painful end of his marriage in less than five months

Couples/Break-ups Music producer Hammer reflects on the painful end of his marriage in less than five months

In an exclusive interview on D-Black's 'Uncut' show, legendary Ghanaian music producer Hammer, born Edward Nana Poku Osei, candidly shared insights into his brief marriage, shedding light on the personal challenges he faced.

Hammer revealed, "My marriage didn't break up because of the entertainment industry. I feel like marriage is divine, and I was one of the unlucky ones. A match wasn't made in Heaven, and we are great friends because we raised the kids together. It lasted less than five months. After the ceremony, we had a mutual understanding to go our separate ways. This is 2004."

Opening up about the complexities of his marriage, Hammer explained, "With my marriage, I think it was a typical issue that a lot of people go through. We had a kid, and I thought it wise to not let her go home as a 'born one.' So, even though we were not mutually very much in love like a marriage kind of love, I still thought it would work. I decided to wed her in a traditional way. We quickly realized that we really wouldn't be with each other, so we had to agree that this won't go anywhere, and the further we go, the further we hurt each other. That's why we are able to remain good friends."

Despite the challenges, Hammer emphasized his commitment to his children, stating, "I haven't remarried. I'm married to my children. They are beautiful and my best friends. I will marry again. I have seen a couple of great women and currently with a very great woman because I do not want to make her a mother before she becomes a mother. My kids are in university now, so until they finish."

Hammer, who married Lydia Konadu Boateng in 2004 and divorced in less than five months, now looks forward to a future where he can embrace love once again while cherishing the bonds he shares with his children.

This heartfelt revelation provides fans and well-wishers with a deeper understanding of the legendary music producer's journey.

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

Journalist and a Blogger Page: MustaphaAttractive
